Rechtsanwalt Martin Kleine Anwaltinkasso

Rechtsanwalt Münster Inkasso
Rechtsanwaltskanzlei in Münster-Zentrum, seit 1989; alle Rechtsgebiete; alle Gerichte; Korrespondenzsprachen: Französisch, Englisch (fließend) Interessenschwerpunkt Forderungseinzug (Anwaltsinkasso, Mahnverfahren, Zwangsvollstreckung) Etude Cabinet d?Avocat Martin Kleine; Conseils juridiques en fran?ais, allemand, et anglais; fond? 1989, situ? en centre-ville de Münster/Allemagne ; centre d?int?r?ts en outre : recouvrement de cr?ances; je vous aide ? r?soudre toute difficult? d?ordre juridique, que ce soit devant les tribunaux ou des proc?dures extrajudiciaires. Lawyer's office / Law Office / Attorney Martin Kleine in Münster-City/Germany Established 1989, situated in the pedestrian zone in the centre of Münster, a city in Northern Germany. My field of activities is the complete scope of German law. One of my focal points of interest is debt-collection. Twenty years of professional experience as lawyer (attorney, jurist, attorney-at-law, counsellor-at-law, practitioner, advocate, barrister). My office is giving legal-assistance to assert legal rights, to secure justice and financial compensation for damages and injuries and to enforce and prosecute all kinds of claims. I am also representing clients at trial and pursue appeals. My business is always kept up-to-date on the highest professional level. At the same time I try to expand the scale and quality of my operations. My field of activities is the complete scope of German law. (legal-assistance, asserting legal rights, obligation, enforce and prosecute claims, legal action, assertion, judicial, dunning, procedure, venue, agreement, convention, covenant, bilateral, parole, void, illegal, written treaty, release, stand abide, sign, close, conclude, conformity, assurance, insurance, sell, effect, accept reinstate, policy)
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